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Christian Ceremony

We are respectful of the church setting  and mindful to play only music appropriate for the surroundings. We ask clients to seek the Church's approval for any popular songs.  Below are some of the most frequently requested selections. 

Seating of the Mothers and  Bridal Party Entrance

-Bach Air

-Bach Arioso

-Bach Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

-Beethoven Ode to Joy

-Boyce Gavotte

-Corelli Pastorale

-Delibes  Flower Duet

-Gluck Air

-Air from "Water Music"

-Pachelbel Canon

-Psalm 18 (Marcello)

-Shubert Mille Cherubini in Coro

-Vivaldi Winter

-Vivaldi Autumn

Air (Gluck)
Air From Water Music (Handel)
Arios (Bach)
Pachelbel Canon
Ode to Joy
Jesu, Joy (Bach)
Bride's Entrance

-Carla Etude

-Clarke Trumpet Voluntary

-Legends of the Fall

-Mouret Rondeau (Masterpiece Theater Theme)

-The Notebook

-O (Cirque du Soleil)

-Only Time

-Pachelbel Canon

-Purcell Trumpet Tune

-Somewhere in Time

-Vivaldi Spring 

-Wagner Bridal March

Pachelbel Canon
Bridal March (Wagner)
Wedding March (Mendelssohn)
Responsorial Psalm

-Amazing Grace

-Be Thou My Vision

-Gluck Air

-Handel Air

-Prayer of St. Francis

-Wedding Song

Air (Gluck)
Air From Water Music (Handel)

-Gabriel's Oboe

-I Have Loved You

-One Hand, One Heart

-The Prayer

-Prayer of St. Francis

-Simple Gifts

-You Raise Me Up (Groban)

The Prayer
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